Just Science It!
Science Trail Programme

National Science Centre Kuala Lumpur

Introduce students to the excitement of discovering science concepts translated through the exhibits in galleries to make their visits more interesting and meaningful.

Day: Monday -Thursday
Time: 10.30 am – 11.30 am
Location: Exhibition Gallery 1 dan 2,  National Science Centre and Science Wonderland, National Science Centre
Charge: RM 4.00 (primary school students), RM 5.00 (secondary schoool students)
The charge is for each student inclusive of accompanying teachers (program and gallery visits*)
Target group: Primary and secondary school students
* gallery visits are not inclusive of Thematic Exhibition Galleries

Programme Coordinator
Mohd Hafiz Bin Mamat (mohdhafiz[at]psn.gov.my)
Tel: 03-20893400 ext. 3456




Jumlah Pengunjung PSN
10-Jan-2025 : 0 Orang
Bulan Lepas : 75711 Orang
Bulan Ini : 12795 Orang