National Science Centre Kuala Lumpur
Introduce students to the excitement of discovering science concepts translated through the exhibits in galleries to make their visits more interesting and meaningful.
Day: Monday -Thursday
Time: 10.30 am – 11.30 am
Location: Exhibition Gallery 1 dan 2, National Science Centre and Science Wonderland, National Science Centre
Charge: RM 4.00 (primary school students), RM 5.00 (secondary schoool students)
The charge is for each student inclusive of accompanying teachers (program and gallery visits*)
Target group: Primary and secondary school students
* gallery visits are not inclusive of Thematic Exhibition Galleries
Programme Coordinator
Mohd Hafiz Bin Mamat (mohdhafiz[at]
Tel: 03-20893400 ext. 3456
Jumlah Pengunjung PSN 10-Jan-2025 : 0 Orang Bulan Lepas : 75711 Orang Bulan Ini : 12795 Orang |