Just Science It!
MEET THE SCIENTIST @ PUSAT SAINS NEGARA by University of Malaya Academic Icon, Professor Takeo Furukawa

KUALA LUMPUR, 20 MARCH 2014 – University of Malaya and the National Science Centre (Pusat Sains Negara) recently jointly organized a Meet the Scientist session at Pusat Sains Negara.

This is the first collaboration between the University of Malaya and the National Science Centre. During the Meet the Scientist session, Professor Dr Takeo Furukawa talked about the Future of Polymer Sciences. The event was attended by 220 secondary school and college students from around the Klang Valley. Professor Furukawa shared with the audience his journey and his research work in polymer science. He has vast experience in polymer research, having been in this field since 1968. Professor Furukawa is currently a Research Professor at the Tokyo University of Science and a Research Scientist at Kobayashi Institute of Physical Research.

The main goal of Meet the Scientist session is to give students exposure about Science. The National Science Centre aims to spark interests from the students and hopefully inspire young scientists by organizing talks by experts in the field. Aside from the Meet the Scientist session, students experienced hands-on polymer related experiments, watched an on-stage science show and went through a gallery visit.


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